
Brice et Jojo + Doctor J + The Excitements

03.07.24 / 6pm

La Guinguette Électrique - Soul / Rhythm'n Blues

Free outdoor • No reservation required • 18h-00h • Refreshments and food

Brice et Jojo

The show is inspired by Brice's memories as a child, but above all by his experience as a parent of young children, who plans, organizes, orders, arranges... so that "everything runs smoothly"! at the risk of sometimes forgetting to put himself at a child's level.

Music and singing, mediums close to the youngest, carry the story, with a concern to propose demanding texts and music. Brice wanted a highly narrative creation, carried by ukulele, guitar and clarinet tunes, to tell the story of a child, Brice, and his teddy bear, Jojo, from the time they get up until they go to bed. A la Calvin and Hobbes, Brice has Jojo with him to share with the audience their questions about "grown-up" life, while Jojo enables him to put his experiences and emotions into words. Through a farandole of songs, Brice takes young and old alike into his dreams, his fears, his joys...


Doctor J

Doctor J has been passionate about Jamaican, Afro-Caribbean, Soul and Funk music since the dawn of the 90s, and takes great pleasure in seeking out rare gems on vinyl, preferring the famous 45 7-inch format as a sound-system tradition. He prescribes raw, colorful and danceable selections of Ska and Northern Soul on 45s, first on Grenoble radio stations, then at various festive events.

He offers solid remedies for excellent moments of sharing and energy, spreading without moderation the universal and audacious effervescence of the music of the 60s and 70s.

© DR

The Excitements

The Excitements were born in 2009, founded by Adrià Gual and Daniel Segura who, coming from underground projects, decide to professionalize and create a new project within the style they like the most, soul and rhythm and blues.

Very soon they start touring, both nationally and internationally, especially in Europe where they have a very good reception from both the critics and the public.
The impulse that this implies makes that every year they achieve a remarkable number of performances, that quickly grows and in the turn of two or three years they are placed in an average of near 80 annual shows.


Where ?

La Guinguette Électrique

Esplanade Andry Farcy


Useful info

> Free outdoor event, limited number of places.

> Opening from 6pm to midnight.

> Concerts / DJ sets on opening days from 7pm to 10pm and until 11:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

> For the conditions of access to La Guinguette, go to the page La Guinguette Électrique.

Get there

Tram: A stop Berriat - Le Magasin
Vélo :
300 hoops available
Voiture :
Parking Vallier-Catane, square des Fusillés or near rue Ampère.

Lieu Guinguette petit ecran