Legal Notices
Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the website https: // (hereinafter the "Website") the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring:
The Website is administered by the association MixLab - La Belle Électrique - Association declared law 1901, hereinafter also referred to as "MixLab".
Publisher address:
12 Esplanade Andry Farcy 38000 Grenoble
Intracommunity VAT number: FR32523031508.
Publication manager: Mr. Frédéric Lapierre
Mail publication manager:
Phone: +33 (0)4 69 98 00 38
Arcustech, LLC.
Attn. Nevin Lyne
PO Box 365
Rochester, MN, USA
La Haute Société
16 bis rue Irvoy
38000 Grenoble, France
+33 (0)4 76 92 07 98
The user of the Website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this Website. By accessing this Website, the user undertakes to comply with these conditions of use and declares to have prior Internet access, to know the rules and uses, technical capacities and performance and to have all equipment and software required for surfing the Internet.
The user agrees to comply with Internet usage and the regulations in force.
In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the automated processing of personal data from the Website has been declared under the number: In process of attribution, to the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (CNIL).
In France, personal data is protected in particular by Law n°78-87 of January 6, 1978, Law n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.
Website users have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them in accordance with articles 39 and 40 of the law of January 6, 1978 amended by the law of August 6. 2004. To exercise this right, you can contact MixLab association directly by email at: or by mail addressed to: MixLab - 12 Esplanade Andry Farcy 38000 Grenoble - France, specifying "Service Gestion des données personnelles”.
Messages sent over the Internet can be intercepted.
Do not reveal sensitive personal information. If you wish to communicate confidential information to us, we advise you to use the post.
In accordance with article 6 IV of law n°2004-575, any natural or legal person named or designated on the Website has a right of reply, without prejudice to requests for correction or deletion of the message that he may send to the headquarters of the company MixLab.
The request to exercise the right of reply, addressed to the director of the publication must be submitted at the latest within three (3) months from the availability to the public of the message justifying this request.
MixLab association strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information published on this Website, and reserves the right to modify, at any time without notice or compensation, the content or presentation of this Website. However, it cannot guarantee its completeness or the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus).
MixLab association declines all responsibility in the event of delay, error or omission in the content of these pages as well as in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service.
As such, the responsibility of MixLab association can in no way be retained for direct or indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, related to access to the Website and its use, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
Likewise, MixLab association cannot be held responsible for any decision taken on the basis of information contained on this Website, nor for the use that could be made of it by third parties and in particular disclaims any liability arising from the transmission of confidential information over the Internet.
Anyone wishing to obtain one of the products and / or services presented on the Website should contact MixLab association to inquire about the availability of the product and / or service in question as well as the contractual conditions and prices that are applicable to them. applicable.
The Website may contain hypertext links to other websites. As such, MixLab association does not make any commitment concerning any other website to which you may have access via this Website, so the responsibility of MixLab association can in no way be retained concerning the operation and access to these websites. .
You can contact us at for any request for information, or to exercise your right of access.
The entire Website is subject to international legislation on copyright, trademark law, patent law, legislation on the legal protection of databases and, in general, on intellectual property, in this respect. which concerns each of the elements of its content (texts, images, data, drawings, graphics, photos and soundtracks, etc.) than with regard to its form (choice, plan, arrangement of materials, means of access to data , data organization ...). These contents, appearing on the pages of this Website, are the exclusive property of MixLab association.
The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other constituent element of the Website, by any process or medium whatsoever, except for the exclusive purposes of information for personal use, is prohibited and constitutes without express prior authorization of the publisher an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.
Likewise, any use of the content and the Website for illegal purposes will be subject to legal action against offenders.
As an exception, certain content (texts, images) are the property of their respective authors.
Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the content of the Website on any medium or by any process whatsoever, as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties in any way whatsoever. are prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement liable to engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.
This Website uses "Google Analytics", a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (hereinafter "Google"). "Google Analytics" uses cookies, which are text files placed on the user's computer, to help the Website analyze how they are used. The data generated by the cookies concerning the use of the Website by the user (including his IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers located in the United States.
Google will use this information in order to evaluate the use of the Website by the user, to compile reports on the activity of the Website for its publisher and to provide other services relating to the activity of the Website and to the use of the Internet.
Google may communicate this data to third parties in the event of a legal obligation or when these third parties process this data on behalf of Google, including in particular the publisher of this Website.
Google will not match the user's IP address with any other data held by Google. The user can deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in his browser. However, such deactivation could prevent the use of certain features of this Website. By using this Website, the user expressly consents to the processing of their personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.