
Pro Cycle • Income of the musical artist

Du 19.11.24 / 10am au 19.11.24 / 5pm

Le Labo de La Belle


The workshop

Making a living from music for a professional artist is the result of a combination of different sources of income. While the status of “intermittent du spectacle” represents a large part of the equation, royalties, royal tees and direct aid from civil societies are all possible sources of income for an artist in the contemporary music sector.

This training session will take you through it all in detail with Melchior de Carvalho, professional manager and tour manager with Baam Productions.

On the program :

  • Income from the exploitation of live music
  • Income from the exploitation of recorded music
  • Revenues from the exploitation of works by third parties
  • Other forms of income: income from exploitation of the artist's image and personality


  • Workshop on Tuesday 19.11 from 10:00 to 17:00 (1h lunch break - you can reheat your meal on site)
  • For professional artists or those embarking on a professionalization process - people starting out as professional managers
  • Limited seating
  • At Labo de La Belle : 51 Boulevard Gambetta, Grenoble



Melchior de Carvalho

Melchior de Carvalho has been active in management since 2015 (Al Maari, MPL, Melba, Oré), his preferred profession, which he integrated into the BAAM Productions business in 2018. A Lyon-based show production, booking and technical engineering company, Melchior worked as a booker and then tour manager before devoting himself fully, still with BAAM, to artistic management and running the company.

Melchior also acts as label manager for l'Amirale (label of the MPL group) and is involved on a voluntary basis in community projects such as lieu Chromatique and the Woodstower festival in the Lyon region.

©Hortense Giraud

Where ?

Le Labo de La Belle

51 Boulevard Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble


Useful info

Nous contacter :

Get there

À vélo

De nombreux parkings 2 roues sont disponibles aux abords du Labo de La Belle et de la Caserne de Bonne.

Pas de vélo? Pensez MétroVélo !


En transports

Tramway : Ligne C arrêt “Gustave Rivet” / Ligne A-B arrêt "Victor Hugo" / Ligne E arrêt "Condorcet"

Bus : Ligne 16 arrêt "Caserne de Bonne" / Ligne 83 "arrêt Gustave Rivet" / Ligne C3 arrêt "Championnet"

Retrouvez votre itinéraire sur le site de la Tag.


En voiture

Stationnement payant : Parking Relais Caserne de Bonne / 30min gratuites

IMG 7720